Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
"The Sads" and "the Tower of Dudes": Dual Album Release Party
we are releasing our album

TIME 19.00
TICKETS 120 or 150 on the door
facebook link
Posted by
The Sads
10:23 AM
Monday, May 14, 2007
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Friday, May 04, 2007
Back with The Tower Of Dudes
Here is another concert which we played last week. We are getting better (well we couldn't get any worse).........with some live video!!!!!!
Posted by
The Sads
1:13 AM
Rock Cafe ZASE
SO as I have been very sadly lazy in updated the sads blog here is the flyer for the concert on
Posted by
The Sads
1:07 AM
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
A Sad Upcoming Concert Alert!!!
The Sads are playing with Arms and the Boy for the first time!!!! It will surely be the greatest show ever. Although the Head Sad had an unfortunate accident recently with a punch bag and guess what!!!: the punch bag won (no surprise there). But luckily it shouldn't affect his playing...in fact...he might play better!!!
Anyway the concert is:
Club 007 Strahov
Posted by
The Sads
10:45 AM
Friday, February 09, 2007
Upcoming Concert !!!!!! Feb13th Jet Club
Soooooooo, I am back...come to our fine, new, soon concert............
Orebitska 3 in Zizkov.
It is free it will be fun, and love is in the air..............................................................
Sads Love
Love Sads?
Posted by
The Sads
12:18 AM
Sunday, February 04, 2007
The Sad Comments: Thankyou for the love
Here are some comments sent to me from our adoring fans.......
Comments : if my blood was made of the sads, nothing could stop me as i bled upon the whole of the universe, I, an eternal cleansing raincloud. But it's made of hemoglobin and lymphocytes and shit like that... and plasma.
Comments : Yeh, alright you guys are pretty damn good. Well better than me anyway, but then again I am only 6 years old. It's nice to hear a big violin. I'd forgotten they exist. Don't know about the little orange dwarf that played it tho. He fwightened me. What does SADS stand for anyway? Oh, next time call the songs out a bit louder, pls. It helps us to slag them off at the end..
Comments : absolutely fucking brilliant
Comments : none of the above, was listening, wasnt drunk, seen you..why do you do me like you do is my favorite song
Comments : are you allowed to have chimps play the cello? its such a gimmick
Comments : animal cruelty?
Posted by
The Sads
5:56 PM
Friday, January 05, 2007
Monday, January 01, 2007
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Have a Sads Start to 2007!!!! Jan 2nd
Jan 2nd we are playing at 'Rock Cafe'!!!! Jan 2nd we are playing at 'Rock Cafe'!!!! Jan 2nd we are playing at 'Rock Cafe'!!!! Jan 2nd we are playing at 'Rock Cafe'!!!! Jan 2nd we are playing at 'Rock Cafe'!!!! Jan 2nd we are playing at 'Rock Cafe'!!!! Jan 2nd we are playing at 'Rock Cafe'!!!! Jan 2nd we are playing at 'Rock Cafe'!!!! Jan 2nd we are playing at 'Rock Cafe'!!!! Jan 2nd we are playing at 'Rock Cafe'!!!! Jan 2nd we are playing at 'Rock Cafe'!!!! Jan 2nd we are playing at 'Rock Cafe'!!!!
Pretty excited we are, I am, me is. It has recently been renovated in the basement and has a big stage, excellent equipment and can hold 300 people prisoner. So be warned. There will be no escape. Don't really know many details yet, but we are playing with Killean and Vicious Circles
Start the New Year how you wish to continue it:......with The Sads
Posted by
The Sads
11:48 PM
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Concert Photos: Nebe

Posted by
The Sads
2:16 AM
Monday, December 11, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
The Sads Say NO!!! to cake in Prague
Posted by
The Sads
10:46 PM
Monday, December 04, 2006
Sunday, December 03, 2006
The Sads are....
So what can we be? The Fantastic Five? Well that's taken.
Fantastic Five is the name of a superheroteam that exist in the MC2 universe, an alternate future to the Marvel Universe. A continuation of the Fantastic Four, the team is composed of the Human Torch, his wife Ms.Fantastic/Lyja (a Skrull), the Thing, Big Brain (Reed Richards' mind in a robotic body), and Psilord (Franklin Richards, Reed's son).So how about? The Fearsome Five? Again taken.
The Fearsome Five is a fictional group ofcomic book supervillains from DC Comics. Though deadly, they lack sophistication as criminal planners, a cohesive focus or loyalty, and are prone to in-fighting, backstabbing, and disbandment (sounds promising)
or .....
On the animated TV Series Darkwing Duck, Five villains: Negaduck, Bushroot, Quackerjack, Megavolt (Darkwing Duck), and Liquidator (Darkwing Duck) join together and become The Fearsome Five.
So the Famous Five?... Nope
The Famous Five is a fictional group of child detectives, composed of four children (Julian, Dick, Anne and George and their dog Timmy, created by Enid Blyton (ah, my childhood).
What about the good old Fabulous Five?...definitely not
The Fabulous Five was a book series written mainly for girls in the late 1980s. The Fabulous Five series centered around five best friends; Jana Morgan, Melanie Edwards, Beth Barry, Christie Winchell and Katie Shannon along with their other classmates and all their ups and downs at Wakeman Junior High (Fondly nicknamed 'Wacko Jr. High' by the students)
Any suggestions?
Posted by
The Sads
11:27 PM
Upcoming Concert!!!!! Nebe Thurs 14th Dec
Playing Nebe at the final Panika!! evening to be held there, maybe ever. Nebe is under new ownership and will be closed for a revamp.
So don't forget!!!
December, 14 2006 Last Night @ Nebe: PANIKA! Presents Live: The Sads [cz]
Kremencova 10, Prague, 110 00
Cost: Free
And yes it is free!!!!
Posted by
The Sads
1:57 AM
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
The Fifth Sad?
Could this be the fifth Sad? The Sads are multiplying quicker than rabbits. Is this the latest offspring?
Posted by
The Sads
5:03 PM
Monday, November 27, 2006
The Cafe Slechta Show
So here are the only photos from the show which steve did not overstep his boundries and remove owing to him looking like crap. I can safely say that we enjoyed it, and it was probably our best performance as a foursome
Posted by
The Sads
10:22 PM